The Purpose Of A Clinical Journal Reflection In The Nursing Home

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The purpose of this clinical journal entry is to elaborate on the details of lab day three. On lab day three, we had check-off for blood pressure and apical pulse. In addition, we took a safety test, and learned about mobility, immobility, how to use ambulatory devices, and reposition (C#4, C#6).
Since we will be going to the nursing home, it is imperative that we know how to correctly assist a client with their ambulation. To begin with, Ms. D demonstrated how to use a wheelchair, cane, and walker. We all practiced assisting each other with standing, sitting, and falling.
In the next lab, Ms. D demonstrated how to use safe and effective transferring from a bed to a chair. Ms. D also showed us how to properly do range of motion (ROM) with
D, my classmates, the skills book and videos were my influencing factors for this lab. I find the clinical learning centers to be exciting and places me in my professional work place. I should do everything as I would if I was in the hospital, nursing facility, or clinic. I recognize that we must be professional and act just as that. The CLC influences me to be the best I can be because it allows me to be in a realm of professionalism. This is to say, I should dress, behave, and listen as a professional nurse would. I should welcome suggestions to improve my nursing skills and embrace them with open
There are various canes that can be use; for example, there is a four-pronged ones and a single pronged one. The four-pronged cane allows for more stability, whereas the single one is for someone who needs just a tad bit of support.
The gait belt is a unique device and serves many purposes. I can also use the gait in alternative ways. For example, I can use the gait to assist a client with ambulation, or with pivoting them into a wheelchair. The gait belt can also be put on in different ways. For instance, I can sit the client up in bed or actually put it on while they are lying in bed.
Ask for help if you need it, I must learn to put my pride aside and focus on the patient’s safety and well-being. UNCP nursing is a holistic approach, meaning I should be very aware of how and what my clients are feeling. I should acknowledge that I am a young nursing student and that I do not know everything an if a client asks me a question I do not know, I should ask someone with mote expertise. I should always encourage the client to get out of bed, but I must remember they are adults capable of making their own decisions and respect their wishes if they choose other

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