Vision And Vision Statement Of The Walt Disney Company

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Business Operation Training Vision and mission statements fulfill two separate purposes in an organization. The vision statement is inspiring, long term and emotionally driven. It assists employees in understanding their work and helps accomplish the organizational goals. It is brief and easy for employees to repeat. They should be simple, short and direct (Argosy University Online, 2016). Disneyland’s vision statement is “To be the happiest place on Earth.” Forbes vision statement is “Be visionary. Think big.” These vision statements are both broad and can last for generations (Cascio, 2013). Disneyland’s business is entertainment; therefore their vision statement reflects their goals which revolves around entertaining people. Forbes is …show more content…

It describes what the company does, who it does it for, and how it does it. It should also be brief so employees can easily recite it. In contrast to the vision statement, it is meant for a shorter period of time (Argosy University Online, 2016). Disneyland’s mission statement is “The mission of The Walt Disney Company is to be one of the world’s leading producers and providers of entertainment and information. Using our portfolio of brands to differentiate our content, services and consumer products, we seek to develop the most creative, innovative and profitable entertainment experiences and related products in the world” (Cascio, …show more content…

Strengths are internal factors of a company that give it an edge over competitors. One example of an internal strength using its competitive advantage is a small business using their low operating expenses to create a high profit margin (Argosy University Online, 2016). A company’s strengths are important because they are the building blocks of the business

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