Startup Case Study

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A startup is a business organization that employs new and innovative ways to disrupt existing and new markets. They search for scalable and repeatable business ventures and experiment with them to find out how best the variables work and in what proportions.Every 9 out of 10 of startups fail and this is the harsh reality that entrepreneurs need to come to terms with The optimistic ones need to be reminded this once in a while so as to stay alert. Cold statistics like this are not meant to discourage entrepreneurs but to encourage them to work harder and smarter. There are many reasons why some startups work and why others don 't and fail. Some of the reasons are; 1. Poor business model Having a good and attractive website, service or product …show more content…

This may be due to poor timing of the entrepreneur in terms of product introduction. Some products are introduced into the market too early before their need arises or too late after the need for them has diminished. A good example is Tangaza money transfer in Kenya. Experts say its introduction into the market after Mpesa services had already spread its web all over the country was a major hit back on an otherwise brilliant idea and so Tangaza failed to live to its expectations. Tangaza was offering more than Mpesa could but it was simply late. If market timing is wrong then the startup will face major challenges picking up. Another problem affecting the market is lack of enough compelling reason for one to buy the product offered. The buyer may not find a reason to commit to purchasing the product at the existing prices. Sometimes the market size that needs the product and can afford it is not enough to sustain running of the …show more content…

A good location may help a struggling business survive and thrive well while even the best managers may fail to help a poorly located business. Factors to consider here include nearness to your customers, traffic and infrastructure, local incentives available, location of competitors and cost of locating the business there. 7. Rapid expansion and over expansion some businesses fail because they fail to understand when to expand and when to maintain. expansion should only be agreed upon after careful evaluation of the business performance. If the company is allowed to expand at higher rate then some departments will be overstressed leading to failure of the whole organization. 8. Poor planning A poorly planned business plan is a guarantee of fail. The entrepreneur needs to lay out a clear plan on how to get capital, where to set up the business, where to get manpower and at which rate, what to produce and how much of it and of course who to sell to. Some gaps are normal and expected but miracles should not be expected in a business. Bamba tv, a digital decoder run by Radio Africa is a good example of poor planning. They came into the business during the digital migration and in a rush to satisfy the hungry market they imported decoders with the wrong power specifications not used in Kenya hence they blew every time they were connected for testing. This led to major supermarkets withdrawing the product

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