Persuasive Essay About Bullying

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Have you or any of your loved ones ever experienced being bullied? If you have you may realize that it is a devastating thing to go through and not only for the person being bullied, but maybe for the person causing the bullying as well. This has been a major issue for students for such a long time and I would like to learn more about it to spread the awareness that happens when bullying. I have seen many scenarios where this has occurred and it breaks my heart to see such things like that happen especially to students who are defenseless. According to Thomas Hanson, "What characteristics of bullying, bullying victims, and schools are associated with increased reporting of bullying to school officials?Aug.2010" 64% of children who were bullied …show more content…

Many students are quiet about it and never share for the reason of them being scared that things might get worse so they become bystanders. According to D. Lynn Hawkins," What characteristics of bullying, bullying victims, and schools are associated with increased reporting of bullying to school officials?" Students who experience being bullied undergo the risk of poor school adjustment, sleep difficulties, anxiety, and depression. Students are so afraid of going to school because it is not a safe place for them, but this should not be happening, school is a place to learn and where everyone should at least feel safe going to! It is basically a second home, where they spend most of their days at. A place where students can run freely and enhance their learning abilities and get involved in school related activities keeping them entertained and out of trouble. Not a place where they wake up in the morning having to fake a sickness to not go or to feel threatened and scared. For the bullies this may not be the case. The majority of the time that students fall into bullying other people is because they might have a rough time at home having family issues and come to school to take advantage of other students by putting them down making them feel better about themselves. In the article,“Uncovering the hidden causes of bullying and school violence” published in

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