The Pros And Cons Of Cyberbullying

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Elvira Hernandez - Survey Most do not realize how serious bullying and harassment can be in schools nationwide. The effect it makes on students everywhere is unacceptable and should not be tolerated in any circumstance. On campus bullying is not seen very often now because most people have phones and feel more comfortable cyberbullying behind a screen. It is sad to think it has gotten this far without it being stopped. Eighty percent of all high school students have been bullied online at least once in their lives in some sort of way. This percentage is intolerable and for it to have been going on for so long is not right. Not only is this percentage too high but it should not take this long for it to decrease if people out in the world are committing suicide over it. Another major reason students move or drop out of school is because of repeated bullying. Schools probably care less when a student leaves because the issue does not have to be dealt with anymore. It is not fair to the victim if he or she has to change locations and families have to sacrifice as well. Thirty-four percent of students do not report if they have been harassed online and it is obviously a big issue if one does not speak up if …show more content…

The education on cyberbullying is not enforced at all schools the way it should be. A great author by the name, Caralee Adams, brought up how one should educate students in school about cyberbullying and said, "Teachers should not limit the discussion to computer class or Internet safety day.... You should bring it up in any capacity, in any instance, in any classroom, whether algebra or social studies or the hard sciences." Adams could not have said it any better because this is what all schools in the nation need to understand. So many kids today get bullied and harassed online and even if it is reported it is not solved most the

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