Abortion In The Book After By Amy Efaw

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The book After was written by Amy Efaw. The story line was intended for young adult readers in grades seven and up. A typical 7th grader is around thirteen years old. Around this age is typical for girls to be having their menstrual cycle. At this time it is also possible for these girls to become pregnant if they are sexually active. Nearly 48 percent of teen have had sex by the age of 17 (American). Parents should talk with their teens about sex, preventive measure for pregnancy and STDs. Sexual activity is a part of life some may believe it is something that you should wait to do until you’re married. This may be true for some, but even if not all teen are having sex they should have the information to protect them anyways.
Abortions are …show more content…

She is described as a “normal” teenager. She is on the honor roll, has a nice boyfriend, and is really good at playing soccer. She has her whole life ahead of her, until she decides to sleep with her boyfriend which resulted in an unwanted pregnancy. Though out the book Devon was in denial of ever being pregnant. She couldn’t believe that she could ever get pregnant “that it could happen to a girl like her.” Later on in the story Devon goes her whole pregnancy without showing or telling anyone about it until the day she gives birth in the bathroom of her house while no one is home. She then panics about what is happening and decided to throw the baby away in the garbage outside. Due to her mother’s lack of guidance and lack of sexual prevention or informational classes in school Devon got pregnant, was ashamed so she hid the pregnancy, and ended up sacrificing her life and going to a juvenile detention center that could have easily been …show more content…

“Denial is a defense mechanism; it’s the minds ability to not acknowledge something that is truly happening. It’s the minds way of keeping unpleasant things in check so that we don’t become distressed all the time (Efaw 329). If there is a teen like Devon out there in denial about their sex life or unplanned pregnancy hopefully this novel would encourage them to talk to someone about their situation so when the day comes to give birth they do not become another statistic of harming a baby due to being ashamed or terrified from the experience of the something that should be

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