Belgian Congo vs. Holocaust

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The atrocities of the Belgian Congo and the Holocaust are two of the main events in history that have been responsible for the mass murdering of millions of people. Although these events significantly changed the course of humanity, and the story behind each one is very different, there are significant factors that make them alike as well as different. Many would agree that comparing two atrocities that affected the lives of so many people and gave a 180-degree turn to each of their countries would be something very difficult to achieve. However, by comparing the behavior of both the perpetrators and the victims of both cases we might be able to further understand the lack of morality and the inspiration that led to these awful events. The perpetrators in both atrocities tended to have a similar pattern of behavior when it came to the way they saw their victims. But, they also acted in ways where you can draw the conclusion that one set of events was not inspired by the other. These two sets of atrocities were reported to have a very similar number of victims. However, the Holocaust is one of the most reminded events in history as a period of shame, tragedy and sadness, while many still ignore the atrocities in the Belgian Congo. One of the similarities we can find in both cases is the believe of superiority; the fact that both the Belgian authorities and the Nazis truly believed that they were of a superior race, made it easier to torture and kill their victims. These believes, which were backed up by science, were the reason why they felt entitled to commit these actions. We could also find a number of sympathizers that would try to fight for the victims’ human rights. In the Belgian Congo we can find the story of Charles Marl... ... middle of paper ... ...key factor when relating the reason behind the atrocities. The behavior shown by the Belgian perpetrators was based on achieving their goals of becoming wealthier and committing the atrocities was just a way of keeping the masses working. This was significantly different from the behavior shown by the Nazis that was purely based on hate crimes. When comparing the Holocaust and the atrocities in the Belgian Congo I was able to further understand the differences between crimes against humanity and genocides. Further more the impact they have on society, especially how easily it was for the Belgian government to wash out the permanent footprint they caused on the Congo. As previously stated, the main differences we could find were the monetary priorities established in the Belgian Congo and the motivations behind the ethnic extermination, which led to the Holocaust.

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