Essay On Skipping Class

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Going to classes is a problem I face every day. Sometimes I won’t go to classes at all for a day. The reason for me skipping classes could be explained on an emotional and behavioral level but I’m going too stick to behavioral. It can be categorized into multiple reasons but I’m going to stick to four. One being motivation. Motivation is the desire to do something. Second is stress. Stress is pressured cause by events on one’s emotions, immune system and brain. Third is learning. Or the way I obtain knowledge and information for the outside. And last is social psychology. Social psychology is the study of how people’s thoughts, feelings, and actions are affected by others. Using these four categories I will state the behavioral problems that make me skip classes.
Motivation is the desire or willingness for someone to do something. As you would expect that since I’m not willing to go to classes my motivation must be low. But I think it’s the opposite. I believe it is the cognitive motivation approach. The cognitive motivation approach is the results of one’s beliefs, expectations and goals. For example, how motivated one is to study based on the expectations of the grades they will receive. Now how does that apply to me skipping my classes. I believe that the low motivation is set by how …show more content…

The stress the classes cause me. The learning style I use and the learning styles my classes use and how they’re different than mine. And lastly how my social behaviors affect it to. Due to these four categories I can show why I skip my classes and my reasoning behind skipping. Some are pure laziness and some are have good reasoning behind them but in the long don’t help me. While I still manage to keep up with my classes and teach myself. I won’t always have this option in the long run. Not only would classes help expand my friend group and help find people I can study with, but it will also help me get used to the professors teaching

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