The Pros And Cons Of Anti-Semitism

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“’For us, it is a problem of whether our nation can ever recover its health, whether the Jewish spirit can ever really be eradicated. Don’t be misled into thinking you can fight a disease without killing the carrier, without destroying the bacillus. Don’t think you can fight racial tuberculosis without taking care to rid the nation of the carrier of that racial tuberculosis. This Jewish contamination will not subside, this poisoning of the nation will not end, until the carrier himself, the Jew, has been banished from our midst.’ – Adolf Hitler”
Anti-Semitism is a term that anyone with a modern education past the fourth grade will understand. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines anti-Semitism as hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group. It dates back hundreds of years, but the most prominent source of public knowledge regarding anti-Semitism is World War II and the Holocaust. Less …show more content…

Because of widespread accusations of terrorism and the general fear that Muslims are terrorists and the entire religion is at fault, Muslims are being treated like they’re less than human. Similarly, Jews were treated like they were less than human because many German citizens blamed their struggles on Jewish people. The only difference is that America hasn’t mass murdered millions of Muslim citizens, at least not yet. I am by no means saying that America will have a neo-Holocaust with Muslim people, but there are far too many similarities in the treatment of these people simply because of their religions. During his run for president, Donald Trump proposed a total ban on Muslims entering the United States. He also suggested that Muslims turn in other Muslims for acting suspiciously, and that all Muslims enter a national registry and wear some sort of identification. This is terrifyingly similar to what Adolf Hitler ordered of the Jewish people living in Germany, including the infamous yellow star that Jews had to

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