Reflection Essay

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When signing up for a course as a transfer you don’t quite always know what you are getting into. Consequently, this led to me being blindsided the moment I walked into English 202 and had to get back into the swing of things. At the beginning of the semester it seemed like it would be easy, however, I learned quickly that it wasn’t going to get easier, and while though out the semester I improved in my writing on my essays, it wasn’t without its struggles. After making it look easy, there was a lot of work put into each assignment to pull off something that didn’t come naturally to me, often I had trouble grasping any outward looking theory which might allude to the fact that I am more of an inward looking theorist. As well, each week the …show more content…

Discourse was the theory that allowed me to become re-accustomed with college rigor once more. As a result, midway through the semester I was starting to grow a bit more comfortable with our assignments. My writing has improved and I had found a voice for myself in all the essays following discourse. Adversely, however throughout the semester I have struggled in all of my essays to make sure that my voice came across clear and not confusing. Comments in my discourse essay that prove this fact, are from Dr. Clermont and Hannah. The comments range from “needs a transition and confusing TS”, “A little confusing”, to flat out “Confusing.” It’s something going forward in future classes that I will have to continue to work on, making sure the thoughts I put onto paper translate into a cohesive thought throughout my work. In the case of this class, the theories either helped or hindered. I found discourse to be easier than, say psychoanalysis just because all the information was right there in the text and it …show more content…

I have to say at this point, “Thank god it’s over.” Just for the fact that I survived a class that in the beginning I didn’t quite think I would. I now know how to format an MLA paper, and that you really need to be on top of your time management to excel enough to meet your own personal expectations. Sometimes over the course of a semester it can seem bleak, especially when you are learning outward looking theories like queer theory, or psychoanalytic theory. At times like those looking out the window and wishing you were not struggling through something you have trouble grasping, can seem like a better option. I may not have grasped the outward looking theories, despite what my grades say (this is something that I personally feel), I instead have gained knowledge on many theories and realized that it’s okay to not always like all of the

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