What Is Metamorphoses In Ovid's Metamorphoses?

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Let’s say that you come home late from a long day at the library, you open the door to your room and your roommate is drunk beyond compare, he gets up, forces you to drink a lot of alcohol, then your RA comes in and starts to get mad, so your roommate turns you into a goat… Weird right? This is the simple basis to which some of the stories in Ovid’s Metamorphoses were written, most time people were attacked by a god or a higher being, and then for punishment they were changed into an animal or a tree or sometimes the opposite sex. Not really relatable to modern society, mostly because there is no person powerful enough to turn you into an animal or inanimate thing. However, Ovid’s Metamorphoses creates an image of bodily integrity where any
This relates to modern society where a body modification is taboo, any stray of body identity is consider wrong, and where people form social groups based on how we look. That is to say body identity is an important part of society today and back when metamorphoses was written.
The thought of body modifications are impious to society, any change to the body makes it un-pure and therefore taboo in modern American culture. Body modifications can include body piercing, tattoos, implants and others, these acts are viewed a defiance of culture in America. The modifications of the body makes it impious and the body identity is ruined because there is little relation to those who don’t have modifications and those who do. The body modification is most times feared in the public because these modifications can relate to social groups that a certain social identity that is often stereotyped as a “bad” group. Nonetheless, an individual who has body modifications cannot fit the social identity of the “normal” social group. This fear of modification relates to the story of Arachne in Ovid’s “Metamorphoses”. Arachne was a mortal woman was gifted the talent of weaving, she gives a challenge to Minerva, the god of weaving and one day, Minerva goes to Arachne in disguise
Group identity is the identity of a body, but the body is the group of people. Many examples in modern society exemplifies the example of group identity, however the U.S. military is one that exemplifies it the most. When you join the U.S. military they tend to get rid of your personal identity and who you are. First, they shave off all your hair, making it hard to express yourself with that, the take away your clothes and make the same and each individual is trained like all the others. This mostly happens during boot camp, most times after boot camp after an individual gets out of boot camp they are an image of military identity and keep this identity and therefore join the military group. If anybody tries taking away this group identity of an individual there is a chance that they will respond with a wild response, because after the military, they feel if they change anything about them they are kicked out of the military social group. This relates to the story of Hermaphroditus in Ovid, the story is about a man who finds himself in a forest and a nymph finds him and is attractive to him, but he is not attracted to her so he pushes her away but once he starts to bath in a spring, the nymph seizes him and prays to the gods that they would together and the gods grant the wish but actually combine her and the man together make them half-woman and half man and then

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