America´s Transportation System

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American’s transportation system is one of the world’s most extensive, and includes highways, roads, airports, railways, and waterways. The American Society of Civil Engineers is committed to protecting the health, safety, and welfare of the public, and as such, is equally committed to improving the nation’s public infrastructure. According to American Society of Civil Engineers 2013 Report Card, the overall grade of America’s Infrastructure was D+. The best sector, sold waste, it got B-. Other sector, like transit, roads, school and drinking water, they only got D or D-. The estimated investment needed by 2020 is 3.6 trillion dollars. (ASCE, 2103)
Like Indiana State, the overall grade for Indiana infrastructure is D+. To maintain and upgrade systems over the next 20 years, we still need $5.9 billion for drinking water and $7.1 billion for wastewater. By 2020, we still have 2,036 structurally deficient bridges, beside, 17% of major roads are poor or mediocre quality. (ASCE, 2013)
About one in four bridges is rates as deficient and in need of repair or upgrade. Traffic congestion continues to worsen, costing the U.S economy $87 billion annually in the form of lost hours and 2.8 billion gallons of wasted fuel. Between 1995 and 2004, highway mileage grew at an average rate of 0.2%, while vehicle miles traveled increased at average of 2.5%, leading to greater congestion. In 2008, $10.7 billion trips were taken on U.S. public transportation, the highest number in more than fifty years. (APWA, 2013)
Infrastructure investment is not only necessary for economic development, it has a direct impact on inequality of income. As people gain access to roads and electricity and telecoms, they have better opportunities for earning more, ...

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... be an essential part of economic growth and development, in all countries. (WM, 2013)
Spending on public infrastructure stimulates the U.S. economy in the short-run. Investing in infrastructure goes beyond mere improvements to the quality of roads, highways, sewers, and power plants. These investments also generate significant economic returns for other portions of the U.S. economy and substantially increase ultimate tax revenue for the government.
In order to adequately fund public infrastructure, the U.S. must seek innovative new funding mechanisms that do not burden rising deficits, and likely must stimulate the private sector. Programs like public-private partnerships, individual and corporate contributions to road financing and user fee lanes are potential mechanisms through which public spending on infrastructure can be supplemented beyond the gas tax.

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