The American Hero: An Uphill Battle

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What comes to mind when uttering the phrase, “American hero?” Do you conjure images of firemen, police officers, or even such mythical figures as Superman and Wonder woman (who have come to symbolize American ideals)? Perhaps you are thwarted in an attempt to place the appropriate title of “American hero,” to any individual in the present tense. This last decade has, for Americans, been full of tribulation and hardship. In the face of disasters, many have shown extreme bravery and patriotism. Are these people American heroes? How can such a thing be measured? The question remains; Are there still American heroes among us in this day and age? Let us explore the possibilities of an answer to that question. In order to answer the question, “Are there still American heroes today?” you must first define what it means to be, “American,” and what it means to be a, “hero.” America can generally be described as an adolescent on the world’s stage; founded on the principle of freedom or liberty. If this is the case, then an American is one who is a citizen of this country and abides by the p...

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