Persuasive Essay On American Education

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Throughout the course of time, teaching, scores, and curriculum have changed to where education is mainly about “being okay” and never about actually improving; and abundant amount of people hold the theory that the government is well aware of this fact and has contributed to the continual downfall of American education in an effort to systematically decrease the competency and literacy of the American population, making them easier to manipulate and allowing the government to achieve increasingly greater power and control over the American population; as a result, Americans are being submerged in a culture that has encouraged them to become more complacent and less interested in bettering themselves which has allowed the government this power that continues to grow.
Whether you choose to believe it or not, American education is at a choke point. In the past several decades the standards guiding education in this country have fallen drastically and show no sign of improvement. Author, Michael Wiener, supports this idea, stating, “In ensuing years, there have been countless examples of this dumbing down that have been publicized in the media. For instance, in 1993, a national survey revealed that 42 million adult Americans could not read” …show more content…

Why is it that no reforms being made to improve American education and stop the digression of this chaotic worldwide embarrassment? One reason could be that these horrifying statistics are of purposeful intent. It seems there is a legion of people who believe the government is behind the dumbing down and anti-intellectualism of America in order to tighten their reign of power so that they can manipulate American citizens into becoming mindless cash cows who blindly follow the government’s commands. An article known as the “Atlantean Conspiracy” provides an example of this way of

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