Bold Voices: Sarah Roth Experience As A Prod Nurses

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After reading two articles, one from American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN) Bold Voices, talks about Sarah Roth experience as a registered nurse. It demonstrated how easily she became distracted trying to manage multiple patients that resulted in a drastic error by hanging the wrong intravenous bag. Sarah was trying to get the new client that arrived to her unit situated and across the hall, she had 23-year-old male patient that was critically injured from falling off a bridge which resulted in chest and lung injuries. He had completed another IV bag of cisatracurium besylate (Nimbex), which is a nondepolarizing skeletal muscle relaxant and she heard the pump beeping. The patient had called for help. She quickly left the new patient to go hang another IV bag for the 23-year-old without checking the medication or scanning it into the Medication Administration Record (MAR). However, Sarah marked the medication as being competed in the MAR as done prior to ending her shift. Sarah gave a bedside report to the oncoming nurse and left. The next morning, she received a call from her nurse manager reporting that …show more content…

For instance, in today’s world of increased technology most hospital facilities will have in place bar coding medication scanning systems. Utilizing this type of tool would have allowed them to verify the medication rights. Sarah had that opportunity, but she made a poor clinical decision to wait instead of scanning the medication immediately. Another cause of these errors in the articles, especially in Sarah’s case was not minimizing outside distractions when she was handling a patient’s medication. Sarah said, “I opted for speed and convenience over the safety of my patient” (Roth, 2016, p. 16). Nurses being distracted and not properly reading labels are a common cause for an error to

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