Adidas The Shift Case Study

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Adidas: The Shift
Faith Ridgel

Adidas: The Shift
There are two types of wearers of fashion in this world. Simply put, there are those who just don 't care and those who do. Those who don’t care dress to fit their needs with little to no concern of how their garments came to be. Now, those who care have concerns about how the garments they wear were created and if it helped or hindered the environment. They monitor what the processes were to create the garments and the resources and materials used within them. Fashion brands have sensed that this group of caring wearing have become a new trend within the industry. As a result, many major brands have started to become more social responsible. Of brands, the most recent and noted changes are from Adidas. In Adidas ' efforts to support the theme of sustainability they have shifted their manufacturing methods, upgraded their brand image, and altered their distribution methods. These efforts have allowed the reputation of the Adidas brand to take a meaningful shift!
The Shift: Manufacturing Methods
The way in which Adidas has shifted their manufacturing process has all to do with the unique materials they are now using for major products. Starting …show more content…

Brand image is key to any company or business as it portrays their beliefs, values, and rank in the industry. A brand can express these qualities through how they sponsor or support events, organizations, and movements. Examining this further, Adidas also noticed that shoppers linked sustainability to innovation, (sourcing journal).This is what pushed them to partner with Parley for the Oceans for the shoes discussed above.That partnership showed that Adidas was willing to step out of their comfort zone and try a new sustainable route. But, those ocean waste shoes weren 't the only project Adidas partnered with Parley for. They reached further to expand their image for a different target

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