Acute Renal Failure

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Acute Renal Failure

Explain the pathophysiology of acute renal failure. Include prerenal, intrarenal and postrenal causes.

Kidneys are a vital part of our bodies. Their main function is to remove waste from our body. They also release three important hormones:

• Erythropoietin – Stimulates bone marrow to create more red blood cells.

• Renin – Is responsible for regulating blood pressure.

• Calcitrol – Helps to maintain the calcium in our bones.

During acute renal failure or (ARF) the kidneys suddenly stop working which in turn sets off a chain reaction in our bodies and can lead to death. There are three different types of ARF.

1. Prerenal is the most common form of ARF. It is when there is a sudden drop of blood flow to the kidneys. This occurs most often in an accident when there is injury to the kidneys or a form of severe illness.

2. Intrarenal is caused by inflammation, drugs such as antibiotics and infections, for example, glomerulonephritis, which is caused by the strep bacteria.

3. Postrenal is the least common form of ARF. This occurs when there is a sudden obstruction of urine flow that can result from a kidney stone, enlarged prostate, injury or a bladder tumor.

What diagnostic exams would be used to diagnose acute renal failure?

How do these tests change as renal failure progresses through its three stages? Discuss, compare and contrast the three stages.

To diagnose acute renal failure, you will monitor kidney function using both blood, urine and imaging tests.

• The blood tests that are used are Bun and Creatinine. These two tests monitor the amount of urea and creatinine in the blood. Urea is a byproduct of protein breakdown and creatinine is a byproduct of muscle...

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... the patient goes on to have a happy, healthy life

with no renal complications.


"Kidney Diseases." Tests Used to Diagnose Kidney Disease. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. .

"Read What Your Physician is Reading on Medscape." eMedicineHealth. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Dec. 2013. .

Dharmajan,T.S.,Yoo.012,Renal Insufficiency, Chronic-In Old Age Journal of the American Medical Directors Association

Health Communities,2011, Pre Renal, ARF Overview, Causes-Acute Renal Failure.

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