My Philosophy Of Accounting

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Accounting is the measurement, processing, and communication of financial information about economic entities such as businesses and corporations. Accountants do a wide variety of activities such as preparing financial statements and record business transactions, including calculating costs and gains from technologies, engaging in strategies for mergers and acquisitions, quality management, developing and using information systems to track financial performance, and tax strategy. All businesses need some type of accountant or an accountant assistant. My grandparents own their own business, and my grandmother is the accountant. One day I will like to be my grandmother’s assistant in accounting with the business. I have been told that I am bad at math. This is exactly why I always tried harder at math, because I did not want this to be my downfall. The better I became at math, the more I realized that I could actually do it. I also realized that it helped me focus better on other things as well. This happened because I was constantly having to apply myself. Being able to focus and apply myself enabled me to excel in other things in my life as well. My goal is to become an accountant and provide information about …show more content…

There is a lot to gain from getting into accounting. Accounting will teach you how businesses work. Many business owners started off careers in accounting. It’s possible for someone to move from an accounting position into a CFO because they have a great understanding of what is required to drive a business and profit. Accounting has been around for a very long time and will always be necessary for today 's society. Learning the basics of accounting will help with multiple jobs. For anyone that wants to own their own business or go into a home owned business accounting is the best thing to learn first is business

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