The Academic Pressure Placed on Children

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As we all know, different countries have different ways of doing things, like fashion, history and life style, even in education system. Every parent often likes to use their own thoughts to ask kids how to study or how to be a successful person, because there is no doubt that with the high development of economic globalization, engaging international experience and knowledge has become a necessary advantage in work. That is why parents are willing to send their children to study abroad or ask them to study more skills, like music, language and so on. Have you ever heard Amy Chua? She is a famous mother who taught her daughter really hard and built her up into a great success. She represents a group of mothers, who restricted kids’ spare time and other personal interests to devote her full attention to studying. In my opinion, if I were her daughter, I will be under a tremendous pressure in heavy learning tasks. We cannot deny that this education style have to give up own happiness to become accomplished. Allowing parents give some advices to help us make fewer detours, instead of co...

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