Persuasive Essay On Animals

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Imagine being trapped, abused, cramped, and caged all for the sake of either having your stripped flesh spoiled in a store, or thrown into the trash. Animals endure such conditions in factory farms across the world, suffering because so many people turn a blind eye to the things going on within the establishments that supply the world’s meat. It is not common knowledge for people to know about the abuse and inhumane actions that occur in these facilities, which are often called slaughterhouses and factory farms, but it should be. The conditions of animals and the incidents involving the well-being of the workers in these horrid affairs need to be known to the public and be shut down, even if most people would rather be kept in the dark about these types of controversies. All of the animals in these situations do not deserve to be pushed to the side and ignored. Society needs to take a stand to stop the cruelty happening. “Each year, billions of farmed animals are subjected to extreme confinement, mutilations without painkillers, and a violent slaughter.” The public should …show more content…

The environment of these types of places are not good and this causes the people working for them to be rash and get irritated, leading to workers taking out their frustration on the animals present. “Workers in the meat industry make an average of $23,000 a year, work 10+ hours a day, are pushed so hard they often defecate in their pants to avoid slowing down and suffer a repetitive motion injury rate 30 times the national average,” a writer of Huffington Post commented while discussing the actions of what people had begun to see as sociopathic workers (Spangher). These tough conditions for the workers cause too much stress on them for so little pay, result in them acting in a less rational manner, leading to the abuse often caught by investigation

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