Analysis Of Direct Action Everywhere

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Essay 2 – Present a critique of Direct Action Everywhere’s campaigns against Whole Foods and Chipotle ( Thoroughly assess its strong points and its shortcomings and explain why you do or do not support this campaign. The campaign against Whole Foods and Chipotle for allowing factory farm to continue that killing of animals is what ‘Direct Action Everywhere’ is fighting against to inform the general population that there is an issue with “humanely” killing animals for consumption. Direct Action Everywhere’s is an organization whose “mission is to empower activists to take strong and confident action wherever animas are being denigrated, enslaved, or killed, and create a world where animals liberation is a reality.” …show more content…

[They] are not afraid to push boundaries and even polarize the debate.” This group of individuals works together to “integrate the latest technology and most innovative research to most effectively advocate for the liberation of our animal friends.” Meanwhile they also “use the power of an open and welcoming community to make all of us more inspired and confident activists.” Direct Action Everywhere has been pivotal in advocating for issues that may seem right on the surface but are deeply flawed underneath. They are a radical organization that goes out of there way to inform people of the choices they are making when purchasing product from stores like Whole Foods and Chipotle. The companies that Direct Action Everywhere target are companies that claim are doing the right method of killing animals but do not realize killing the animal is still doing the crime. Whole foods for example, “seek out the finest natural and organize food available, maintain the strictest quality standards in the …show more content…

In a review the website writes that “Slaughterhouse is the first book in which workers in the meat industry speak publicly about what is actually taking place in America’s slaughterhouses.” This particular book shined light to the graphic and very disturbing facts that factory farms are providing all types of products at the expense of the lives of innocent animals. The book is able to bring forth evidence and enticing information that is hard to miss by the reader because at one point or another, this matter was meant to come to light. The review goes further in illustrating “Eisnitz 's investigation with a single complaint from a United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) worker alleging that cattle there are having their heads skinned while fully conscious. This single complaint becomes a full-scale, groundbreaking investigation.” Slowly but steadily, Eisnitz was able to figure the puzzle out and attract the attention of individuals and organizations who are particularly found of advocating for animal rights. The book itself had testimonies from workers who would deliberately beat, “strangle, boil, or dismember animals alive. Today’s slaughter line does not stop for anything: Not for injured workers, not for contaminated meat, and least of all, not for sick or disabled animals.” This is the driving force of individuals who have no other

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