Abortion Needs to Become an Illegal Procedure

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In 1997, there were 1,184,758 legal abortions. That is over one million lives not lived. Imagine; those babies could have been lawyers, doctors, presidents… These babies could have found the cure to cancer. Merle Hoffman, an abortion provider, says that “Abortion is as American as apple pie.” But it’s not. To anyone, regardless of beliefs, that comment should be found disturbing. Abortion is destroying our culture by making society devalue the sanctity of life. It’s murder and it may have lasting physical and emotional side effects on the women that receive the abortion. Abortion, in all stages of pregnancy, needs to become an illegal procedure.
Abortion may have a large part to play in society’s decline in moral values, but it is definitely at fault for society’s deterioration of respect for life. One example of this occurred on an airing of Conan O’Brien, on October 2, 2012. The celebrity, Chelsea Handler, repeatedly laughed at the thought of herself having a twenty year old daughter, which she aborted when she was sixteen. The lack of respect for life has gotten to a point that when a random group of individuals were asked to sign a petition to legalize fourth trimester abortion, many agreed. Fourth trimester abortion would mean the killing of a baby post birth. Also, when babies are born alive after abortion, many abortionists leave the babies to die, or they kill them themselves. This isn’t uncommon either. According to NY Daily News, Dr. Kermit Gosnell is going to trial for eight counts of murder, after killing babies which were born alive. A lot of times abortion is pursued after medical personnel claim the baby will be born with a deformity. This “deformity” ranges anywhere from spinal bifida to Down syndrome. Prochoice ac...

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...med on an adult, then it should be no different to an unborn baby. Sometimes babies are born alive from abortion. These babies then end up dying painfully and alone after seeing the world for such a short amount of time. Even prochoice advocates seem to recognize that abortion is murder. Prochoice woman Merle Hoffman says “You don’t have to argue that abortion stops a beating heart. It does.” If the opposing side notes this, then what is in question? An unborn baby isn’t a potential life form; an unborn baby is a life with potential.
In conclusion, abortion should be as American as bombing or genocide, not as American as apple pie. Abortion is infanticide. It makes people devalue life and the procedure is not safe, both physically and mentally. In due time, more people will come to see the other side of the argument and realize that abortion needs to become illegal.

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