The Negative Effects Of Advertising On Society

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Welcome to Earth The United States is the battlefield of one of the most dangerous battles that society has known to date. Lives are being dominated by advertising, a force that is both incredibly strong, and quite adept at disappearing in plain sight. There have been various attempts to calculate just how much Americans are exposed to advertising media but the most accepted value, as put forth by award winning author David Shenk, is give or take 3000 messages a day. This number is growing exponentially, leading to and increasing various negative effects. The growth and change of advertising media has led to a society in which people look down on themselves for being normal, and where greed is the answer to everything. Corporate advertisers are manipulating not only children, but adults as well through the use of subliminal messaging, all in the name of profit. Though it is a billion dollar industry, the financial gains that come with advertising media are not worth the major detriments it causes our society. To continue it is not free speech and if anything it tramples on …show more content…

In order to stop the negative effects of advertising on society, the general public must become informed on the complex tactics and manipulations advertisers are using on the American people and action must be taken to

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