Why School Should Start Later

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Some schools are starting too early for students. Students lack the sleep they need and it makes them less productive during school. Many students get less than eight hours of sleep and the fact that they need to wake up early makes it worst for the them. Some students have work, after school activities, and homework. It does not give many students time to get the rest they need. Starting school later can help students think, get physically, and academically better, too. Many student are asleep in class, and are dozing off, because they are tired from the lack of sleep. Student who are half asleep can’t think as well as students who are wide awake. School starting later can allow more rest for students who didn’t get enough the night before. …show more content…

Awake bodies can allow student to have more energy than students whose bodies are asleep. Students whose bodies are awake means lesser tardiness to school, and to classes. Having lesser tardies mean having lesser school distractions. The tendency of students losing focus during class, will be decreased. Student will have the energy to get to classes on time, and therefore lesser tardiness. While students are improving physically, cause they got their sleep, they are also improving academically. Students get academically better because they are awake during classes. When they have to take the test they will be more prepared for it. Also if school started later, it gives students a chance to do homework they didn’t have time to do the day before. There homework grade will be brought up, and so will the test, and quiz grades. Classwork will also be done because they are not sleeping during class. However, it is not fully the school's fault if the students aren’t thinking well, or academically great. The students themselves should know to go to bed earlier because they have school the next day. If the students went to bed earlier, then they would not be tired at school. Also the earlier it starts the earlier it ends. An early start can give the students time to do what they need to in the afternoon, so it is not as bad as it

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