3 Reasons Why School Should Start Later?

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Kids and teen everywhere are rushed, stressed, and not doing as well in school because they aren't getting the right amount of sleep. About 40% of american high schools start classes before 8:00 am and more than 20% of middle schools start at 7:45 am or earlier. School start times should be later because teens need sleep and it improves their overall academic grades. The first reason why school should start later is because teens need sleep. Most teens don’t or can’t go to sleep to get the needed amount of sleep, so they are more rushed in the morning and stressed throughout the day. According to the national sleep foundation, “59% of sixth graders and 87% of high schoolers aren’t getting the recommended 8.5 to 9.5 hours of sleep per night. If school started later, they could get the sleep they need and they wouldn’t be as stressed or tired. …show more content…

When teens don't get enough sleep, they do bad on tests, but if they started later, they wouldn't be as tired and their grades would improve. According to Junior Scholastic, “Studies have shown that well rested teens get better grades, have better test scores and miss fewer days of school. This proves that kids should have a later start time because they can get better scores, while if they were tired, they wouldn't really care or try as hard. Some people may believe that starting school later wouldn't help kids and would waste money, by really they are wrong because it can give students much needed sleep. When the pros and cons are weighed, It's obvious that schools start time should be later because teens need sleep and it improves grades and test scores. So get out there and let kids sleep

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