The Young Embrace Technology while the Old Feel Threatened by It

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Today’s era, witness to astronomical advancement in the field of science and technology, bores a technology savvy generation of people. Such a generation cannot imagine a life without the technologies termed “modern”. It seems as though modern technology has become a fundamental need of human beings, not just the young but the old and children alike.

Today, people are born in an environment full of all kinds of technologies. A new born child’s record of pulse and other anatomical activities are, of course results of modern technology like heart monitor, and so on. Thus, such a child, at youth, may certainly feel modern technology a necessity, and thus embrace it. This fact not only emphasizes on the importance of technology on modern life but also underlines a query about whether the old feel threatened by such so-called modern marvels like mobile phones, internet, etc. This is, in fact a valid question because today’s youth, certainly- majority of them are so influenced by modern technology and have got so much dependent on it that the real value of life, described by the wise ol...

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