The Memoir First Job Analysis

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Work is a means of life, it is what keeps society running across the globe . Perspectively speaking work is the sole defender of anarchy. Our lives are based off the ideology of go to school, get a job, and work hard. That sentence alone has been embedded in our brains since most could remember. In the Memoir “first job” , Iliana Roman feels that hard work, and good ethics must be embedded in our youth. If neglected to do so, it can lead to a non functional society. She of all people knows this to be true. Iliana worked her way up from the bottom. She worked long hours, attended school, and raised 3 kids. eventually leading to her owning her own company, and being her own boss. Education should not solely be based off of bookwork. It is …show more content…

Kids and teenagers should be educated on much more than if they could add, or how well they write. In my opinion, Health and time management should be a major part of our learning curriculum. Iliana was pregnant and had a son at the age of Seventeen, she then had two more kids by the age of Twenty One. She proceeded to drop out of high school due to the social and economical pressures of being a high schooler, as well as a mother. Iliana makes it apparent that she was not ready for this life altering step. Iliana stated “ I wish i’d have finished school before having kids”. Health is extremely important, and in my perspective it needs to be talked about more. This issue is not only for kids, but it is a discussion that should be for everyone. Proper hygiene, sexual education, and simple ways to avoid spreading germs needs to be taught not only at schools, but in …show more content…

This positive attitude was due to a long yearning to finally be independent. Like most teenagers i was tired of relying on my parents for absolutely everything. I wanted change, i was ready to be my own person. I knew what i needed to do, I needed to get a job. This fantasy of being self sufficient was taking over my head. Thus explaining the determined demise i had brought on to my self. I was serious this time, i was not going to end my day until i was officially part of the working force. I see an add in the paper saying help wanted for a restaurant called Lous Beer Garden, boy did i like the sound of that. I drive over, apply for a job as a waiter, yet having zero experience in the field. In their defense I seemed quite sociable and was easy on the eyes, so they hired me. In the passage Iliana mentioned that being young and good looking doesn 't necessarily mean someone is skilled, and she was spot on. In the beginning I sucked, but like Iliana i worked my way up, and became an exceptional waiter. The pay was great, especially for a 17 year old. I was making around 600 dollars a week, only working Four days out of the Seven. My grades began to slip, and i started to miss school, due to long hours. Luckily i had teachers who were quite lenient, allowing me to turn in late work, and make up quizzes. I got to graduate but yet i was unable to join my peers in senior prom, and walking

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