Women Hormones Effect Emotions and Stress

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In this increasingly globalised world, there are many factor that affected people mentally. It is a common thing for every human being to confront with psychological suffers. Each individual has different level of sensitivity. Most of the time women are considered as a sensitive and emotional gender. Women are proven to be more mentally stressed than men. They have a special hormone that could affect the emotion and the way of women thinking is differed from men. Body image issue in society also forces women to suffer from stress.

First of all, scientific researches have proved that women could develop more stress than men. In this case, the main responsible for mental illness in women is caused by hormones. Premenstrual problems could only be found in women during their menstrual period. It is common for everybody that women are more likely to get angry easier when they are on period. Hormone could affect stress in women more or less depending on that person. According to Dr.Bowen (2013), premenstrual syndrome may cause women irritability, mood swings, loss of confidence, aggression, crying for no particular reason, poor concentration, and tiredness. Therefore, hormone in women is one of the reason that women stress more than men.

Secondly, the other principal that makes women suffer from psychology stress more than men is the different way of thinking. The process of thinking in women and men take place in different side of the brain. According to a scientific study, women thinking process generate on the right side of the brain while men uses left brain to process (Brain,2010). Men can concentrate on emotions, information and relationships one at a time while women tend to mix those information altogether (Kastleman, n.d.)...

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