Why Videogames Should Not Be Banned

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Video games first appeared in the 1950s and were urbanized all through the 1960s. They came to importance in the 1970s and established an original and unlike entertainment industry in the world. These games have evolved notably with time and have become a culture on their own. Nevertheless, questions were raised about their effects on people which led to debates in societies about whether or not they should be banned. However, video games should not be banned in this age and time. Video games should not be banned because they help in building our personality procedure, and they are healthy. Up to date researches show that first person shooter games have many advantages such as “faster and more accurate attention allocation, higher spatial resolution in visual processing, and enhanced mental rotation abilities.” (C. S. Green & Bavelier, 2012). These games build up analysis and higher ability to deal with problems and boost creativity. Thus, people who play first person shooter games uses there neurons in a more effective way than non-players, when facing problems and difficulties (Granic, Lobel & Engels, 2013). It is important to bear in mind that these studies did not yield the same consequences when it came to other types of technology. Furthermore, according to Granic, Lobel and Engels who wrote the study entitled “The Benefits of Playing Video Games” published in the American Psychologist journal; these types of video games develop reasoning, promote relaxation, avoid nervousness, sharpen up memory and help in making better decisions. Moreover, a study conducted by Kühn, Gleich, Lorenz, Lindenberger and Gallinat verified that video games can assist treat cerebral disorders and illnesses like schizophrenia, post-traumatic str... ... middle of paper ... ...N., Stasiak, K., Sheperd, S., Frampton, C., Fleming, T., & Lucasson, M. F. G. (2012). The effectiveness of sparx, a computerised self help intervention for adolescents seeking help for depression: Randomised controlled non-inferiority trial. BMJ, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmj.e2598 Shapiro, J. (2013, November 27). 4 reasons video games are good for your health (according to American Psychological association). Forbes, Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/sites/jordanshapiro/2013/11/27/4-reasons-video-games-are-good-for-your-health-according-to-american-psychological-association/ Szalavitz, M. (2012, April 20). Study: Playing a video game helps teens beat depression. Time, Retrieved from http://healthland.time.com/2012/04/20/study-playing-a-video-game-helps-teens-beat-depression/

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