Persuasive Essay: Why Music Education?

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Why Music Education?
Some say that teaching is a selfless profession. The days are long and sometimes seemingly unrewarding. Many teachers across the country could tell you about the hours they have spent grading and the plethora of problems they 're not paid to deal with, but do anyway. If you 're interested in teaching then you must be crazy, blindly optimistic, or just plain stupid. At least, that’s what some people would say. So, what could possibly make someone, just on the bridge of adulthood, decide that they want to be a teacher for the rest of their life? And who exactly has the right to say if they 're making the best decision? As a seventeen year old high school senior who is deciding to do just that, whether by insanity or inscrutable ignorance, it 's almost impossible to decipher the real reason why.
Selecting what you are going to do with the rest of your life can be very difficult. It’s a scary notion, even for the most optimistic and committed people, to know that you have to choose a major that you’re going to spend four or more years and thousands of dollars attaining. I’ve always been someone who has a purpose and a plan; and if …show more content…

I was used to the idea of choosing things I knew I would be good at. The truth is that I didn 't know if music education would be a good route for me. I’d never had experience teaching and ACAA’s band program had just started up that year. In fact, before my sophomore year I couldn’t tell you the difference between a baritone or a horn in f. As imaginable, majoring in music education came with some trepidation. I wasn’t sure how to tell if music education was different than any other major I had thought about or if it was going to be. It was one day, probably in the middle of class, that I realized it was because with pre-law or design I could always see myself doing something else, but with music education I couldn’t imagine not doing it or being anywhere else than in a band

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