Personal Narrative Essay: I Want To Become A Lawyer

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I want to become a lawyer because I’ve always been interested in the occupation and I want to help people. To be more specific I want to be a prosecutor. I used to watch shows such as Criminal Minds and Law and Order and I also watched the news. While watching the news, I began to think that not all criminals are getting caught, and they are starting to do more and more things to damage the world. I can’t stand thinking that people are doing horrible things and thinking its okay. I want to be able to put those people in prison where they belong. The usual education time period to be on the right path of becoming any kind of lawyer would be 7 years of full-time study after high school, the 4 years of undergraduate study, followed by 3 years of law school. Helpful high school courses are Civics, Debate, Government, Psychology, Public speaking, Sociology, Speech, and Forensics. All lawyer MUST have a job degree and my also typically pass a state 's written bar exam. The bar exam is a required exam to practice law in your state. The most common bar exam consists of a two-day examination. One day is devoted to the Multistate Bar Examination (MBE) that is a standardized 200-item test …show more content…

Some characteristics and skills you might need if you want to become a lawyer would be problem-solving skills, research skills, speaking skills, and writing skills. “Lawyers have different titles such as prosecutors and defense attorneys. (2016 CollegeGrad LLC). Lawyers advise and represent numerous people such as clients in courts, government agencies, and in private legal matters. All attorneys research the intent of laws and judicial decisions and apply the laws to the specific circumstances that their clients face (2016 CollegeGrad LLC). Newly hired attorneys usually start as associates and also work with more experienced lawyers and

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