Barrister Essays

  • The Analysis of Solicitors and Barristers

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    Solicitors and Barristers 1) Describe the main differences between solicitors and barristers with regard to work and training. 2) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having a single legal profession. 1) Background The legal profession is largely middle class, partly due to the lack of funding for professional courses. In 1999, ethnic minorities formed 8.5% of the Bar and 5% of solicitors. In 1998 ethnic minorities formed 16% of trainee solicitors and pupil barristers. Ethnic

  • The Work of a Solicitor and a Barrister

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    The Work of a Solicitor and a Barrister In the legal profession, there are two main categories of a lawyer. These two categories are barristers and solicitors. Between the two there are differences such as their training, their wages as well as their individual roles. In this essay, I will be discussing the different areas and how they differ. I will also compare them to each other and will analyse and evaluate them. To train as a barrister, you need a degree of at least at upper second

  • Barrister And Solicitors: A Case Study

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    this would be the merging of solicitors and barristers to be a part of one profession. There is a lot of debate on whether or not the jobs that are completed by the two professions are actually different. Solicitors are generally the people who provide clients with information and support regarding their case. This can be provided to a wide variety of people, whether they are individuals, groups, private companies or public sector organisations. Barristers are people who generally specialise in a certain

  • The Work and Training of Barristers and Solicitors

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    The Work and Training of Barristers and Solicitors In the Western world, where the majority of employment occurs in the service sector, rather than the primary sector as it does in the developing world, there are certain jobs that carry a very high status. Careers such as doctor, accountant and lawyer are to name but a few of these high status jobs and it is lawyers that I am going to be focussing on in this essay. In England, since the 15th century lawyers have been split up into two

  • Employment Law Barrister

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    So you aren't quite convinced that you need an employment law solicitor. Well, this article should enlighten you on the value that solicitors can bring to your business--if you are the employer; or to you--if you are the employee. Being thoroughly familiar with employment law through the help of solicitors can provide you several benefits. These are provided briefly below. For the Employer First, it is something that every business owner needs--in-depth knowledge on employment and labour laws

  • The Change in Work of Solicitors and Barristers

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    The Change in Work of Solicitors and Barristers Many changes have taken place in the work of solicitors and barristers in recent years and there is still pressure for many other areas to change. These recent changes have led to much discussion about whether the professions of solicitors and barristers will eventually become one. Solicitors used to have the monopoly on conveyancing, but in the 1980’s the conveyancing monopoly was lost when an Act of parliament was passed allowing ‘licensed

  • Canadian Law

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    A lawyer is a person who practices law, as an advocate, barrister, attorney, counselor or solicitor or chartered legal executive. Working as a lawyer involves the practical application of abstract legal theories and knowledge to solve specific individualized problems, or to advance the interests of those who hire lawyers to perform legal services. The role of the lawyer varies greatly across legal jurisdictions, and so it can be treated here in only the most general terms. Terminology In practice

  • The Cab Rank Rule

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    rank rule states that a lawyer practicing solely as a barrister must accept a brief in a field they profess to practice. Barristers are professionally bound by this duty if the brief is in the barrister’s capacity, skill and expertise; the barrister is available to appear and is not committed to other engagements which may inhibit their ability to advance a client’s interests; the fee offered is acceptable to the barrister; and the barrister is not obliged or permitted to refuse the brief pursuant

  • Laws, Lawyers, and Punishment in the Victorian Period

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    lawyers: -those who argued in court- barristers, sarjeants, and advocates -those who prepared the cases for these lawyers- attorneys, solicitors, proctors •Courtroom lawyers held more prestige especially the barrister, who was often well born •To become a barrister one had to go to a certain number of dinners at the Inns of Court for 3 years. Then if you were approved of by the older lawyers you’d be “called to the bar” and then could become a barrister. There was no exam required. •Solicitors

  • Domestic Violence Reflection Paper

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    made proceedings in the Magistrates court for a TPO after she found out that her ex-husband had hired a private investigator to survey the matrimonial house. They shared a child together, and the ex-husband had hired not only a solicitor but also a barrister to assist in both the

  • The Ways Superior and Inferior Judges Are Appointed

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    appointments open to solicitors as well as barristers, so long as they have the requisite number of years' experience of advocacy in the higher courts. Vacancies for Court and district judges are now advertised and it is possible to submit applications to The Lord Chancellor's department. Prior to 1990 the traditional criticism levelled at judges was that they were drawn almost exclusively from the public school background shared by most practising barristers. This resulted in the judiciary being

  • Solicitors in the 19th Century

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    Century “I have been, Eugene, upon the honourable roll of solicitors of the High Court of Chancery, and attorneys at Common Law . . .” --Charles Dickens, Our Mutual Friend The Profession * There were two branches of the legal profession - barristers, and attorneys and solicitors. Solicitors usually dealt with landed estates and attorneys advised parties in lawsuits. The two roles combined and the name “solicitor” was adopted (The Law Society). The attorney or solicitor was the general legal

  • UGLY! by Constance Briscoe

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    writer had to put up with truly shows the strength of the human spirit. This story is extremely sad and you can't help but feel angry at the torture Constance has to put up with and follows her through her schooling years and her goal to become a barrister. As a teenager it makes you realise how lucky we are and makes you stop and think about the millions of children that face this problem everyday. ‘UGLY' is an inspirational story that makes you appreciate your life and sends the message that no matter

  • Law Admissions Essay

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    progress. Especially whilst shadowing a barrister at both Thames Magistrate Court and Snaresbrook Crown Court. This experience enabled me to refresh the preconceptions (such as those from TV productions) in favour of a more realistic insight into the legal field. I sat in 32 cases, each case reiterating my inner yearning to study Law. I would have strong views on how I’d potentially handle each case which established that I’d later use my law degree to become a barrister/which confirmed my thoughts of Law

  • The Courts and Legal Services Act of 1990

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    certificate was granted. This change was the start of the continuing merge between the roles of barristers with the roles of solicitors. The Courts and Legal Services Act 1990 opened up more opportunities for solicitors to advance up the career ladder. Solicitors with the advocacy certificate were eligible to be appointed as QC's and higher judicial positions, this broke the monopoly barristers previously help on all superior judgeships. The Act focused on qualifications relevant for the

  • Personal Statement Essay: My Passion To Law

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    an understanding of the laws which govern us. By making use of the powers of analysis, criticism, persuasion, oral and written communication, I can assist people in overcoming injustice. Becoming a Lawyer and furthering my education by going to Barrister School will lead me on a path to higher achievement, ideally become a Judge and earning my place in a Crown Court. I have lived in

  • In-House Counsel Case Study

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    in any proceeding before a court of law and Sections 126 to 129 are the relevant provisions that govern the concept of Attorney-Client Privilege. Under Section 126, no barrister, attorney, pleader or vakil, is permitted to disclose any communication made to him in the course and for the purpose of his employment as such barrister, pleader, attorney or vakil, by or on behalf of his client without his client's express consent. He is also barred from stating the contents or condition of any document

  • Reparations to Descendants of Slaves Should Have Ceased Long Ago

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    concerned with political and social corrective ness, thus everyone is catered too and no money changes hands. The idea and arguments of paying reparations to the descendants of slaves has been in the American media and courthouses since the English barrister James Grahame published a groundbreaking book in 1850 setting the first claim for reparations in the United States. It is no surprise that these allegations arose so soon after the abolishing of slavery at the culmination of the Civil War. Free blacks

  • Mohandas Gandhi`s Difficult Obstacles

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    without questioning them, so he did not dispute his mother's requests for him to help her take care of his sick father. In 1887, he started college at the University of Bombay. He was uncomfortable there and decided to go to England to become a barrister and then return for a job like his father's. His mother was slightly hesitant to send him there, so he had to vow not to touch women, wine, or meat while he was away. With help from his brother, he was able to raise the money necessary and set off

  • Tacitus

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    Tacitus lived under the reign of Domitian, twenty years after Nero. His family originated from southern Gaul. After becomng a barrister he was promoted to the position of provincial governor in 112-113AD in Asia. Under the reign of Domitian, Tacitus was incredibly lucky that he managed to survive, unlike many of his colleagues. Domitian disposed of rivals and opposition, thus making him a very paranoid man. The killings of these men started Tacitus' anti-emperor feelings. Domitian's reign was modelled