Why I Became an Educator

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I have always tutored and assisted others in math and science, but about eight years ago while pursuing my master’s degree in Wildlife Biology, I took a couple of classes that changed my life. These classes (natural resource interpretation and environmental education) opened my eyes to the fact that I wanted to become an educator. I loved my education classes and discussed with my major advisor the fact that I wanted to become involved in education. As an extension specialist, my advisor was very involved in education and community outreach and he could help me to further my pursuit of education as a career. He offered me the opportunity to coordinate the Utah WHEP (Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Program), a 4-H wildlife education program. I took the position and conducted the program for three years. During my time as the Utah WHEP coordinator, I worked with youth (aged 11-19), teaching them about wildlife, their habitats, and their management. With this experience, I knew that I had definitely found my calling.

While finishing my degree, I was recruited to be a wildlife pres...

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