Personal Statement: Community Engagement In Australia

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Profile I am a passionate communicator. The roles that have brought me the most meaning and fulfilment have all been in the space of creatively communicating about God’s good world. This is informed by, and driven from, a deep desire to see God's kingdom come, and a passion to see his bride, the church, well equipped and informed. The diverse employment positions I have held all point to this and will also shape future employment opportunities I undertake. Experience Community Engagement at TEAR Australia 2011 - Present My current role allows me to engage with a wide cross section of Australian christians. I develop and maintain relationships with denominations, congregations, organisations and individuals. …show more content…

Working in Adelaide I have trained and supported people to engage in Non-Violent Direct-Action Civil Disobedience actions. This has required organising legal briefings, trust building activities and deepening spiritual practice. Teacher at Strathalbyn Christian School 2006 - 2009 In this role I taught as part of a collaborative team building an interactive Year 7 experience for students finishing their primary education. I also took on responsibility in creating and promoting a community garden. This was open to the wider school community and I helped integrate it within other teachers’ curriculum. I was also responsible for developing and delivering a year 10-12 Sustainable Lifestyles subject stream that engaged students in personal exploration of issues of sustainability and personal life …show more content…

This involved running film nights, appearing on radio, developing interactive pubic forums and advocating to political leaders. Missionary at Church Planting in Ukraine 2001 - 2005 My wife and I with three, then four children joined a team of people in a church plant that was a part of the Calvary Chapel movement. We spent a year learning language and developing relationships before moving, with others, to a neighbouring town and helping to found a church. Activities undertaken included organising sports and youth activities, running camps, pastoral care and sermon delivery. All this was undertaken while continuing to learn another culture and language. Education Masters of Transformational Development Eastern College, Melbourne, Currently undertaking completion will be in

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