Persuasive Essay On The Cost Of Higher Education

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With many people seeking out higher education, there is a large demand for more affordable schooling. Many students seeking a college education cannot afford to pay out of pocket, so they turn to private student loans to help cover the cost of tuition. Now because of this per The Economist:” the total student debt in the United States has now exceeded 1.2 trillion dollars”. President Barack Obama stated as follows, “Over the past three decades, the average tuition at a public four-year college has more than tripled, while a typical family’s income has barely budged.” Solutions have been proposed stating why education should be made more affordable and in some cases, free. Although the bulk of these options have some basic flaws, they are the …show more content…

” Higher education is the single-most important investment that Americans can make in their futures, increasing their future potential earnings and lowering their risk of unemployment. Despite these benefits, the cost of attaining this education has skyrocketed over the past few decades, putting college out of reach for too many low- and middle-income families.” If a degree is expected from many employers for most entry level jobs, it should become more affordable to attain one.
Bernie Sanders proposed the “College for All Act” this bill would make tuition for public colleges and universities free for up to four years. Sanders stated “in a global economy, when our young people are competing …show more content…

This causes many students to consider taking out private loans both subsidized and unsubsidized to cover the remaining balances. According to the WhiteHouse.Gov, “As a result, more students than ever before are relying on student loans to pay for their college education. Today, 71 percent of students earning a bachelor’s degree graduate with debt, which averages $29,400.” It seems virtually impossible for middle or lower class families to put students through college without accumulating an overwhelming amount of

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