Why Do Poor People Waste Money on Luxury Goods?

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“OMG”! You see that black young gal coming out of that Mercedes Benz? Oh! And she has on a Dolce & Gabbana dress. I wish I was like her” said a nosey Bahamian woman. “Don’t let dem materialistic tings fool ya girl, that’s Shirley’s daughter who live Bain town with both her parents, that’s all for show cuz she just got her a-sue money so she flaunting, watch next week you will see her in a lancer” said another lady. The world we live in, people judge you based on your appearance; so there’s no better way than to prove to those that you are living well than with luxurious possessions. The public has become more and more consumer driven over the years, thus we have confused the difference between need and want, and if persons think that they need something, they will do whatever it takes to get it. Constantly, we are bombarded with advertisements telling us to want more things, or that it is a necessity to have the latest item that's better than the old thing we already bought. Deprived individuals waste money on pointless assets to feel as though they are still a part of the “normal society” that is depicted as being able to have everything, when they are at a time when they have almost nothing. Nonetheless, in her article “Why do poor people ‘Waste’ Money on Luxury Goods?” Cottom McMillan argues that status symbols matter and that wasteful purchase of status items like bags, and shoes are required in a society where poor people are being discriminated and judged on their appearance more harshly. In this essay, I will dispute that it is beneficial for deprived individuals to spend money on expensive possessions because it boosts their self-esteem, assists them in future employments and also society leads to accept them.


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...heir bills at the end of the month, and when their friends see this they will turn heads and talk horribly about them.

In conclusion, poor people have a right to try to buy their way into status. Spending money on the status symbols like nice cars and clothes can be tickets to better jobs, or so-called upward mobility to deprived individuals. Persons are more likely to not judge them by appearance because they may dress in expensive suits, drive luxurious cars, and it also increase their self-esteem. When you are under a spell, you will spend a substantial amount of money to attempt to buy your self-esteem. Persons should keep reminding their selves that money or a lack of it doesn't define who they are. Their worth as a person has nothing to do with how much money they may have. We should all view other persons spending choices with sympathy and understanding.

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