The Poor are all that

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People today look at the poor with scorn in their eyes. Not to mention they get grossed out when they have to even walk by them on the streets. Today, you see the poor begging on the streets and you can’t help but feel sorry for them. Some people though, think that the poor are the sorriest bunch of suckers around and that their lives have no meaning. But, according to Henry David Thoreau, the poor have some of the best lives compared to all of us that aren’t. The article, “Comfort Zones” quotes the bible saying, “‘This poor widow put more than all the other contributors’ (Mk 12:43)” The poor contributes more than you know. Henry David Thoreau’s “Walden” greatly describes how the poor are better because life if still great, they get independence, and money doesn’t help buy your soul.
Thoreau mentions a few times in “Walden” that life may not seem as great to the poor, but deep down it really is. He mentions that we should all meet our lives and live it. We shouldn’t be embarrassed about how our life is at all. It may not be to our liking, but we should face it head on and make the effort to change it. Thoreau mentions that our life “looks poorest when you are richest.” Richer people are out of touch with the real world. They don’t know how it feels to be in debt. That is why the poor have a better handle on their lives than people who aren’t living in poverty. Thoreau also tells us to love our lives no matter how poor we are. The rich have more faults in paradise than the ones in poverty. The article, “Walden” by Linda Corrente states that Thoreau “urges us to meet our lives, regardless of what they hold for us.” People in poverty already do that. They are aware of the hardships and have faced different ways to beat it.

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...’s Ripple Effect” explains “A person is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone.” That is what defines being rich? Money may buy a lot of things, but it can’t make your life better by the soul. We need to broaden our view of the world we live in and delve into its beauty. We are all so blind to our lives.

Works Cited

Corrente, Linda.. Walden. Barron's, 2004. eLibrary. Web. 11 Nov. 2012.

Feldmeier, Peter. "Comfort Zones." America. 05 Nov. 2012: 39. eLibrary. Web. 11 Nov. 2012.

Homme, Prud., Richard. "Walden's Economy of Living." Raritan. 01 Jan. 2001: 107. eLibrary. Web. 11
Nov. 2012.

Richardson, D, Robert.. "Walden's Ripple Effect." Smithsonian. 01 Aug. 2004: 106. eLibrary. Web. 11 Nov. 2012.

Thoreau, Henry David. Works of Henry David Thoreau: Critical Commentary. MacMillan General Reference, 1963. eLibrary. Web. 11 Nov. 2012.

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