Legislations and Regulations in Sport

3153 Words7 Pages

Legislations and Regulations in Sport

Over the past 30 years the sport industry has been increasingly

effected by legislations and regulations to protect and ensure the

safety of people involved in sport. These regulations apply to people

in sport places and sports grounds. The regulations are not only in

place to protect sportsmen but to also ensure the safety and equality

of staff, spectators or anyone else involved in sports places.

The Health & Safety At Work Act 1974.

The law imposes a responsibility on the employer to ensure safety at

work for all their employees.

Much of the law regarding safety in the work place can be found in the

Health & Safety At Work Act 1974.

Employers have to take reasonable steps to ensure the health, safety

and welfare of their employees at work.

Failure to do so could result in a criminal prosecution in the

Magistrates Court or a Crown Court. Failure to ensure safe working

practises could also lead to an employee suing for personal injury or

in some cases the employer being prosecuted for corporate


As well as this legal responsibility, the employer also has an implied

responsibility to take reasonable steps as far as they are able to

ensure the health and safety of their employees is not put at risk. So

an employer might be found liable for his actions or failure to act

even if these are not written in law.

An employer should assess the level of risk as against the cost of

eliminating that risk in deciding whether they have taken reasonable

steps as far as they are able.

The employer's responsibility to the employee might include a duty to

provide safe pl...

... middle of paper ...

...Monday in May, the first Monday in June, the first Monday in August,

the last Monday in October, Christmas Day and St. Stephen's Day).

In respect of public holidays, an employee must be given either a paid

day off on that day, a paid day off within a month of the day, an

extra day's annual leave, or an extra day's pay, all of which are at

the option of the employer.

Sunday work

If required to work on a Sunday, there are provisions requiring

particular compensation to employees.

Those not covered by the Act

You are not covered by the rest and maximum working time rules if

you're a member of the Defence Forces, the Garda Siochana, a junior

hospital doctor, a transport employee, if you work at sea, if you

control your own working hours or if you are a friendly employee

working on a farm or private house.

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