The Impact Of A Family As An Agent Of Socialization

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There are many different agents that help to shape an individual and these influences come from; people, groups and institutions (Kendall, 2014, p. 106). Each of these areas has the ability to influence one’s every day decisions and life choices. Within these three groups is one that seems to have the hold the most impact, the family (Kendall, 2014, p. 106). The reason why a family is the most important agent of socialization is due to how understanding is instilled in one’s life (Kendall, 2014, p. 106). A family, by birth, can teach a child the cultural norm and social values (Kendall, 2014, p. 106). In addition to teaching these things, families also teach about emotions and how to deal with them (Kendall, 2014, p. 106). Family members impact …show more content…

107). When it comes to culture and society, there are many differences and this can impact both a family and one’s marriage (Kendall, 2014, p. 106). In recent studies, evidence has shown that African American women have the lowest rate of marriage and Hispanic immigrant mothers have the highest (Hamilton & Hummer, 2010, p. 113). Results from data taken in a research project based on fragile families have shown the link of marriage tied to class (Hamilton & Hummer, 2010, p. 113). Within the United States, there are many individuals that will marry due to social class and personal choice (Kendall, 2014, p. 451). Marriage and families also start with the influence from elders and their beliefs (Kendall, 2014, p. 451). More specifically, marriages in the US are likely due to similarity within race, beliefs, class and morality (Kendall, 2014, p. 451). However, issues do arise when someone outside of the family’s norm tries to enter (Kendall, 2014, p. 451). Due to this personal choice, there can be a division amongst family members and a person’s married life (Kendall, 2014, p. 451). Another way in which a person selects a mate is based off of gender. As previously stated, this has been evolving over the years by having more same sex marriages (Kendall, 2014, p. 106). With as many different factors in today’s society, family and marriages can be linked in various …show more content…

Women weren’t necessarily seen as unimportant to all but they weren’t seen as high priority either (Bryant, 2014, p. 20). If the trend changes towards a traditional family style, women’s rights might be simplified. There was a need for women within the field of technology to help with communication lines and other non-combat jobs (Bryant, 2014, p. 20). However, the values of society and uses of technology have changed greatly over the past few years. I could see how women would fight for their rights and yet live in a traditional family. It seems that more individuals have a longing for a healthy family and still want their rights as well. Perhaps that is what would happen, women’s rights wouldn’t be lowered but the family lifestyle would change. It makes me wonder, if there is a value placed on individual rights, then how would living in a traditional family affect them? Going back to the original question, trends are set only by those willing to live by them. They seem to be accepted if comprehended to be important or influential and defining to a personal identity. With that being said, I think that women, being as strong in their individuality as they are today, wouldn’t be greatly

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