Agents Of Socialization In My Family: Agents Of Socialization

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Society shapes our personality. That means who we socialize with molds who you are as a person. Through the process of socialization you learn values, morals, beliefs, norms, and your role in this world. The people who we surround ourselves with are the ones that influence us the most. Agents of socialization (groups that influence you) are a big part of your social structure because it’s who we interact with the most. Our Significant Others (individuals that influence you) are also important because sometimes certain individuals have a meaningful role in your life and have a lot of guidance over you. Both agents of socialization and significant others have functions in your life and contribute to the kind of person you are today. One agent of socialization in my life is my Peers. Peers are one of the main agents of socialization, and it is pretty obvious why. My …show more content…

My family is who I have socialized most with since they were the first ever people I interacted with. Family has had a large influence over who I am today because they are the people who I learned almost everything from (primary socialization). The reason I have such high morals and values is because of my family. By observing and taking from their behavior I was able to form my own values through nurture. Although they taught me a lot of beneficial things that make me a better person, I have also learned from some of my family members bad habits. My uncle always smoked around the kids, including myself, when I was younger and I never liked the smell and now I associate that memory with cigarettes and it makes me not have any desire to smoke whatsoever. I also had another uncle who went to jail a lot for selling drugs and other related things, and since I definitely did not want to end up in jail I now make smart decisions, and associate myself with people who benefit me. On the whole my family has made me a nobler person by both their good and bad

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