Persuasive Essay On Lack Of Marriage

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There is a new trend that seems to be present in America. It seems as though the Peter Pan spirit has taken over, and people are refusing to age. Irresponsibility is sweeping the nation like it never has before. People are no longer openly embracing adulthood and the challenges that come along with it. This lack of progression seems to be due to a few factors. The first is that many individuals choose not to get married. Many unmarried people do not see the value of marriage. This is partially due to the idea that nowadays it has become acceptable for a couple to live together without being bound by marriage. The pressure that used to be placed on young people to get married has completely vanished.
People are beginning to feel like they can only remain independent or free if they never succumb to marriage. Individuals believe it is bondage to be so emotionally tied to one other person. “Meanwhile, only 30 percent of Millennials say that having a successful marriage is ‘one of the most important things’ in life, according to the Pew Research Center, down from even the 47 percent of Generation X who said the same thing in 1997. Four in 10 Americans went ever further, telling Pew researchers in 2010 that marriage was becoming obsolete.” (csmonitor) A reason these …show more content…

As a result, their young adult offspring are not ready to succeed on their own. Even though they attend college, some parents still fully financially support their children. Some families even continue this trend after college is over. Parents sometimes refuse to let go when even when their children get engaged. People need to have the chance to mess up for themselves. This makes the children never have to grow up. In today’s society, people do not grow up until they have to, and if their parent still runs their life while they are not at home, then the chances of the young adult ever choosing to grow up are

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