When I Am A Brave New World

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Who am I? I am Number 17. I am a treasured daughter of the One True King, and a child of two precious parents. I am reserved; I often find myself being the most content when I am alone, studying, reading God’s Word, or thinking. I love to think and orchestrate my plans. I can find myself thinking so far into the future that my head will start to pound, resembling a heartbeat. When I feel like my brain is writhing, throwing itself against my skull, I then have to remind myself to release my immediate and far off future, to The Lord. I am the girl who constantly has to remind herself to rely on Jesus and His plans for my future. When I do this, the headaches melt away. My pulsing, discerning brain finds its home inside an olive skinned head with …show more content…

I love to eat, but The Bible teaches me that my body is a temple, which has led me to healthier eating and daily exercise. This keeps my mind in an eternal and stable state. When the world is enticing, and models are starring at me from the magazine rack, my mind rests in knowing that The Savior of the World thinks I am worth dying for, body size and sins, included. I have never been depressed, never wanted to hurt myself, or take my own life, which I praise God for. Yet, I sin daily. The thoughts that flicker through my mind are sometimes impure and my actions don’t always imitate Jesus. If I could hide my sins from the world I would, but my sins, and the way Jesus forgives them, makes me who am I. I am His daughter and His follower. He is teaching me to take those impure thoughts and actions to Jesus, and repent from them. He is giving me a mind that is like His, a mind that is healthy. I am content with my physical appearance, which allows me to eat at Bojangles without being concerned about gaining weight. Food is no longer an idol for me. I have never had any sort of eating disorder, but watching what I eat became an idol. The Lord convicted me of that, and is helping me have a healthy, eternal

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