What is Bothering Holden in Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye

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Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye on the surface is a story of an ill-behaved boy wandering the streets of New York getting into all sorts of mischief. Though, when looked at past the surface, we see a story of a troubled young man that is yearning for attention, acceptance, and love. Many theories have transpired about Holden Caulfield and his problems. Among them are Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, and that he is just traveling through the five stages of grief.

PTSD is a disorder that has symptoms such as efforts to avoid thoughts or feelings that are associated with the trauma, avoiding activities or situations that bring up memories of the trauma, lack of interest in important activities, feeling of a lack of interest or expulsion by others, inability to cherish loving feelings, and feeling of not having any future; not expecting to have a career, get married, have children, or live a long life. It is easy to see why some would diagnose Holden with having PTSD because there are several instances in the novel in which he exhibits one or more of these symptoms but ...

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