Well-known Women From Illinois

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The women from Illinois are different and unique in their own way. Learning about a few of the famous women from Illinois might help to understand the many different people who have lived in Illinois. Even though Betty White was mainly known for her acting she was also a writer. Betty White, Veronica Roth, and Catherine Yates are some of the many interesting and important women from Illinois.

Betty White

Betty White was the only child of Horance and Tess White; when Betty was two years old her family moved to Los Angeles (“Betty White” Biography para. 3). She was born on January 17, 1922 in Oak Park, Illinois, and she is ninety-two years old (“Betty White” Biography para. 1). Her birth name is Betty Matian White (“Betty White” TV para. 1). After she remarried she changed her full name to Betty Marion White Ludden (“Betty White” Biography para. 1). White has been married three times: Dick Barker, Lane Allen, and Allen Ludden (“Betty White” TV para. 3). Her husband, Allen Ludden, is deceased (“Betty White” TV para. 3). Betty’s three step kids are Sarah Ludden, Martha Ludden, and David Ludden (“Betty White” TV para. 3).

Betty has won 9 awards and has been nominated for twenty-two awards (“Betty White” TV para. 4). White has a Star at the Hollywood Walk of Fame (“Betty White” TV para. 2). She is also in the Television Hall of Fame (“Betty White” TV para. 2). One of the many awards White won was the TV Land Pop-culture award; White also won a Daytime Emmy as outstanding Host for Just Men in 1983 (“Betty White” TV para. 2).

In 1949, at the age of 27, Betty had her first television job as an assistant at KLAC (“Betty White” TV para. 2). KLAC was a local news station (“Betty White” TV para. 2). In the 1950s White began her first tele...

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The women from Illinois are extremely different and unique. Betty White was a first-rate actress. Veronica Roth became a famous author before she was thirty. Catherine Yates was the governors wife. Although these women completely different they are all special.

Works Cited

"Betty White." A%E Televisions Networks, 2014. Web. 24 Apr. 2014. .

"Betty White." Web. 25 Apr. 2014. .

"Divergent Fansite." - DIVERGENT Fansite. Web. 25 Apr. 2014. .

Stratton, Ms. William G. First Ladies of Illinois. Southern Illinois Univercity: Printing Service. Print.

"Veronica Roth." Teen Books Online. Harper Collins Publishers. Web. 25 Apr. 2014. .

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