Unforgiveness Essay

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One of the biggest issues people seem to have in life is harboring unforgiveness. There have been people who have been hurt in their childhood and have carried those issues into their adulthood. There are people who have said things to others in the body of Christ, causing one to stray away and use this as a reason why they do not gather with other believers or have a “church-home,” and there are families that remain severed over words that have been spoken by family members or painful actions that have been displayed. There are even people who go to work and refuse to say a word to their co-workers because of something that was said to them, or friendships that have been broken all due to the spirit of unforgiveness.
Often times we hear people …show more content…

There have been many relationships that did not work out between men and women due to someone being hurt in a past relationship and carrying their issues into the new relationship. There are some women who carry the mentality “all men are the same”, therefore, they ruin their next relationship because rather than spending the time building on the relationship they are establishing with their significant other, they find themselves consumed with trying to prove that it is “too good to be true” or that the person is just like every other man they have encountered. Men also have this same issue. There are some men who have been hurt in past relationships and rather than opening their heart to the new woman they have encountered, they keep their guards up and some men even have other women just in case that one doesn’t work out to save themselves from heartache. Not just in dealing with significant others, but in all relationships, we have to lose the “guilty until proven innocent” mentality.
In every relationship we encounter, we should view it as Christ has viewed our relationship with him. God knew that we had flaws, which is why He sent Jesus to die on the cross for us. When we have chosen to forgive, we should be prepared to forget what the person has done to us. When dealing with other people, we should follow the word of God’s instructions and “let this mind …show more content…

Write down the names of those people, and how they offended or hurt you. Activate the spirit of God within you by speaking to those situations and declaring that you have forgiven those people and surrendered to God to make you whole. Next, take the time to reflect even deeper: Did you perform any initial actions to hurt that person or in retaliation for what they had done to hurt or offend you? Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you through asking for forgiveness from those people if you are able to reach out to them and to prepare you for whatever the response may be. Disclaimer: Because people are on different spiritual levels, and because some of the people you may be dealing with may not have a relationship with Jesus at all, there is a chance that your apology may not be accepted. This is why it is important to pray that the Holy Spirit prepares your heart in such a way that you are able to work through any feelings that may come if someone chooses not to accept your apology. Even in that situation, give thanks to God that He has worked on your heart in such a way that you were able to do what He expects and offer peace and reconciliation to that individual. Pray that godly relationships be renewed, and that peace resides in every

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