Water Pollution In Lebanon Essay

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Dripping Water Have you ever experienced water shortage? Have you ever paid to access public areas? Have you ever seen a brown river? Welcome to Lebanon. “Thousands have lived without love, none without water” (Auden, 1940). The genuine predicament lies in the mismanagement of the water resources, not in the amount of available water in Lebanon. As the international population is growing, the need for water is increasing at the same rate. Therefore, it is essential to manage the remaining resources rationally for the better of the international community. The epidemic of neglecting the eminence of water in Lebanon is best illustrated when it comes to water pollution, lack of water conservation methods, and unjust beach dredging. On the other hand, this significant issue could be resolved by the collaborative efforts of the Lebanese society and authority. The primary aspect of water slovenliness in Lebanon is its pollution, which is a recent problem. Prior to the industrial revolution, people adapted to the primitive human lifestyle of cooperating with nature. However, the rise of the industry and capitalism in the world lead to the globalization of the idea of prioritizing material over nature which in turn resulted in exhausting and thus polluting nature’s …show more content…

Aquifers feed our rivers and supply much of our drinking water. Groundwater pollution is much less obvious than surface-water pollution, but is no less of a problem. As the long Mediterranean summer drags on and the promise of rain evaporates as quickly as the few fat drops that have fallen here and there, residents of the capital and its surrounding areas find themselves resorting to ad hoc private water networks as the public pipes run dry. "We had originally dug at 30 meters, but we are now digging at 70 meters," one private water supplier and well owner told The Daily Star(Unknown, 2013,page

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