Watch Me Bleed

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Prologue I could have felt the blood trickling from my forehead as an unknown figure picked me up off the floor. I would have protested, but I was too weak. No matter how hard I tried my arms and legs refused to move. Suddenly, gravity came into play as I felt the person drop me hard in what I think was a pile of garbage. I am garbage, just like the empty cans of beer and dirty syringes. No matter how many people insisted that I’m an independent, strong woman, I still believe that I’m the scum of the earth. I chose this lifestyle, yet I refused to accept the consequences that came along with it. My life had completely taken a wrong turn by the time I was fifteen. I can blame no one but myself for the path I chose. Sure, both of my cruel and abusive parent died in one of their drunken escapades, and my other extremely religious family members refused to accept me because I was “too sexy” for my age, but there were other jobs available for a girl at such a vulnerable age. I could have continued on in school, work part-time at, maybe a grocery store, save up my money until I got enough to buy a guitar, learn how to play it, and eventually become a guitar player like I always dreamed of. But no, that was way too much effort I had to put in, so I decided to become a stripper and a drug-dealer. While I did learn to play guitar, that was simply a hobby. The other two were my full-time jobs. It’s too bad that I was already too far in to get out, no matter how many negative things people told me about it. Later, they would prove me wrong, since all the terrible thing that they said would happen eventually did. Stalked? Check. Overdosed? Check. Raped? Check. Over thirty times, actually. Murdered? Well, we’ll just have to wait and f... ... middle of paper ... ...e sister die of starvation? Well, apparently when I’m high, I won’t stop until I get what I wanted. Therefore, I annoyed the shit out of her until she let me go over to Jon’s house for food. When I got there, you wouldn’t believe what I saw. Go ahead. Guess what it is. If you didn’t say Jon making out with another chick, then you’re dead wrong. I had no right to get jealous, since we weren’t even dating, but I did, and I wanted to rip her hair right off of her vagina. Unfortunately, I didn’t. All I did was sit and watch, waiting until he was done so I could get something to eat. Jon pulled away and looked at me then grabbed the food that was waiting for me out of the refrigerator. Then he proceeded to kiss her again. While you may think that I officially lost him, I didn’t. Just because he had a girlfriend, it didn’t mean that I couldn’t also be his girlfriend.

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