Descriptive Essay About A Restaurant

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The hostess led us to our booth. Both men stood back to let me get seated first. Then "Mr. Hot As Hell" slid in on one side of me while "Mr. Cute As Hell" slid in on the other. I was the lucky lady in the middle of a gorgeous guy sandwich. I wanted to laugh and had to stop myself from doing so. It seemed so silly to me how I had ended up here at this moment with David and Charlie. We were looking at our menus when Charlie engaged us in a discussion about food. We talked about what we liked and did not like to eat. We were pretty much in agreement, and all seemed to have similar tastes in food. “Could I interest you both in ordering a bunch of appetizers and a few entrees? We can share everything and have a mini smorgasbord of sorts. Since we all like the same …show more content…

The whole bar seemed to be in a great mood. I loved music and was moving in my seat to the beat. I noticed Charlie doing the same thing. Charlie was so funny; he had this incredibly witty sense of humor. He had David and me in stitches laughing telling us stories about various things that had happened to him in his travels. I couldn’t remember a time when I had laughed as hard or had so much fun. I asked if I could be excused to go to the lady 's room, and both men slid out to let me up. They were two honest to goodness gentlemen. Two princes. I used the ladies ' room and went to check my hair and makeup in the mirror. I thought about Julia and how this whole night had unfolded. I was having the best time and so enjoying myself. I was enjoying the company of both men. I was a little freaked out over the fact that I was totally attracted to the both of them. I was still reeling from being so attracted to David, that in and of itself was a miracle so how could it be possible that I would find Charlie equally as desirable. While they had many things in common, their personalities were both so different. I couldn’t find one man I liked and in one bizarre night, I had met two of

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