Personal Narrative: Sixteen And Counting

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Sixteen and Counting...

When I was younger, I use to think you were considered bieng an adult at the the age of Eighteen. I guess the excitement of growing up fast all began with the idea of freedom. But in all its actually not that fun, bieng an "adult". My body became stress, deppresion, and anxiety. I had so many responsibilities at sixteen that I started to quesion my own future. How was I suppose to fulfill my dreams with so much dependency on my back? Bills, cleaning, cooking. Guess you can say I never really got to enjoy my childhood. I was to busy watching out for my family, and picking up my moms messes. I thought my mom was suppose to be the one taking care of me? I remember crying myself to sleep every night. Why couldnt I just live the life of a normal teenager. It was too much for me at that moment, but as time passed, I began building such skills I would need as an adult with out even realizing it. Who knew it would come to change my perspective on life, and make me who I am today. A responsible, independent, adult.

It all began in my freshman year of highschool. My mother and I were forced to move to a smaller apartment right before school began. My mother lost …show more content…

Especially physically, socially, and mentally. I became too tired to do my homework, or anything that had to do with physical activity. I was forced to drop out of highschool to be able to pay the bills, and watch my mom 24/7 while I was home. The bags under my eyes became more noticeable, and my appearence changed. I stopped talking to all my friends. I had no time to go out and have fun. My moms deppresion had now turned to me. I was mentally drained. My body ached, as well as my heart, and my head was somewhere else. I no longer was the girl who strived for my future, and was always positive. I no longer knew who I was. Time passed, and nothing changed. it was till my eighteenth birthday that my drained soul finally got to

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