The Warnings Were Too Late

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Why do people automatically believe that their government can be trusted? Many believe that their government is the best because it’s built on morality honesty, virtue, freedom, and equality. But, what if our government is actually making us believe these things by hiding the truth and manipulating the facts so that the citizens that love their country so dearly will continue to do so to the point that they will give up their lives to do it. George Orwell warned against this type of government in his novel 1984. He predicted the future and what it would look like. His novel had caused quite a scare and governments began to make sure that they did not become Big Brother and citizens made sure that they didn’t become the Party members. But, in reality, it was too late because today there are more similarities between the citizens of the United States with the Party members and the United States Government with Big Brother. The United States government controls and regulates everything in an average American’s everyday life. The most important thing that they control is the amount of information that reaches the American public. The FCC can be compared to the Ministry of Truth in George Orwell’s 1984. This particular Ministry “…concerned itself with news, entertainment, education, and the fine arts…” (Orwell p8) and was responsible for the destroying of any evidence, meaning articles, photographs, videos, books, etc., that would make the government inferior to anyone or incorrect. When war enemies changed the information was changed so that the new enemy had been the same enemy from the beginning. You couldn’t refute or challenge the government because of the fact that “Who controls the past controls the future; who co... ... middle of paper ... ... media tells them. The media is controlled by the government; so, in essence, although Orwell’s message was delivered it was not understood. I admit wholeheartedly that the United States government is not as bad as the Party in the novel because people are still allowed to think and act for themselves. The problem is that the majority of Americans choose not to. As a matter of fact, according to Lev Grossman, only thirty-six percent of Americans question what they are told by the media. The solution to understanding Orwell’s message and his warnings is to find the truth for you and not be dependent on the truth or lie that has been discovered by someone else. Investigate every piece of evidence before you decide to believe something or to not believe it. When this is accomplished, only then will Orwell have succeeded at preventing what has already happened.

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